Joint IAHPR-PREFER workshop and symposium
On Saturday 13 July 2019, the Academy of Health Preference Research (IAPHR) and PREFER will host a joint workshop on good research practices for health preference studies We will describe the basics for how to conduct a health preference study focusing on trade-offs between risks and benefits. The workshop material will build on the textbook that is currently under development by IAHPR members, incorporating the experiences of scientists working with PREFER.
The workshop is led by Axel C. Mühlbacher. We look forward to IAHPR members providing examples of challenges faced during the assessment of patient preferences in health care decision making.
The session is followed by a joint symposium on patient preferences the in medical product lifecycle. Presentations will be delivered by Nigel Cook, Michael Drummond, Mandy Ryan, Irina Cleemput and Hans Hillege, followed by a panel discussion where the patient perspective is included through the participation of Rocco Falchetto, patient advocate.
Can't make it? Don't worry! The symposium discussion will be summarized for publication.
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