Leveraging patient preference studies for development and decision making: DIA/PREFER workshop 15-16 June

How much risk do patients find acceptable for a given benefit? Patient preferences can give us answers that can play a critical role in the development of medical treatments and throughout the lifecycle of a medical product. On June 15-16 this year, PREFER is organising a workshop together with DIA, where we will navigate through the patient preferences landscape. Starting from the PREFER project, we will explore patient involvement in patient preference studies and put the spotlight on the practical implications patient preference information can have in regulatory decision making. The workshop is open for everyone, free of charge!

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In the workshop, we explore the value of patient preference studies, from the vantage point of a new PREFER framework for patient preferences, and explore how the framework can be integrated in regulatory decision making. Sessions include:

  • The motivation behind the creation of the IMI PREFER project and the necessity of a structured approach to Patient Preference studies
  • How are patients involved in the studies? Get a broader view with examples, scientific and HTA perspectives.
  • A New Framework for measuring Patient Preferences to inform decision making, presented by John Bridges, Esther de Bekker-Grob, and Deborah Marshall.
  • The path to integrate Patient Preferences in decision making, how to apply to regulatory, HTA’s and patient expectations.
  • A multistakeholder Panel Discussion looking on how to implement, challenges, opportunities and next steps.

The workshop is designed for patient advocates and organisations who are eager to ensure patient's voice is included in decision making; regulators, HTAs and payers, who are looking into how to include patient's voice and preferences in decision making; and Industry and Academia, who are motivated to consider patients in development and clinical research aspects.

Find out more & register!





  • Disclaimer: This website and its contents reflects the PREFER project's view and not the view of IMI, the European Union or EFPIA.


The Patient Preferences in Benefit-Risk Assessments during the Drug Life Cycle (PREFER) project has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 115966. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA).