Stakeholders in PREFER
The PREFER project starts and ends with stakeholders. Their input is crucial for this project to succeed. The project includes partners representing patient organisations and clinical research, HTA bodies and industry. We also have stakeholder advisory groups for patients, regulators, HTA-bodies and payers. With them on board, we trust our results will be relevant and useful.
Patients, HTA bodies and regulators will all be closely involved in the project. The work starts with focus groups and interviews with patient organisations, physicians, regulatory authorities, health technology assessment bodies, industry experts and academics. This will give us knowledge of what their needs are, and how they want to use patient preferences. It will also give us knowledge about what stakeholders are concerned about, and what they expect from our assessment of patient preferences.
In the next step, we move on to test preference-elicitation methods in clinical case studies. Here, patient and clinical research partners are directly involved in the work. Advisory groups will play important roles in designing the work and helping us get input from a wider community of stakeholders.
With this input, we trust that the recommendations we produce at the end of the project will be relevant and useful.
Patients: Advisory group on board
PREFER has four patient partners. ECPC coordinates the work together with MDUK, EPF and IAPO.
HTA and payers: Advisory group on board
This group is coordinated by the Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE). Other members are CADTH, NIHDI, G-BA, LBI and EUnetHTA.
Regulators: Advisory group on board
PREFER's regulatory stakeholder advisory group has representatives from EMA, CHMP, SAWP, COMP and FDA through CBER.