The PREFER Recommendations
Supporting the development of guidelines for structured patient input into decision-making for the pharmaceutical industry, regulatory authorities, health technology assessment bodies and reimbursement agencies!
PREFER Expert Network
The PREFER EXPERT NETWORK is a voluntary network of pharmaceutical companies, academic institutions, consultants, and patient representatives devoted to promoting the development and adoption of patient preferences in decision-making about medical products.

Developing recommendations
We are developing evidence-based recommendations to guide industry, regulatory authorities, HTA bodies, reimbursement agencies, and health care professionals. We start with work to assess methodologies. After that, we test them in clinical case studies. This work will be the basis for the recommendations we make.

Together with stakeholders
Denna puff länkar till sidor som ligger ett eller flera steg längre ner på samma gren i strukturträdet. Den kan också länka till genomgångssidor inom Bildproportion: 16:9. Se till att rubriknivån är korrekt. Bildproportion: 16:9.

Through clinical case studies
Denna puff länkar till sidor som ligger ett eller flera steg längre ner på samma gren i strukturträdet. Den kan också länka till genomgångssidor inom Bildproportion: 16:9. Se till att rubriknivån är korrekt. Bildproportion: 16:9.

Patient Preferences in Benefit-Risk Assessments during the Drug Life Cycle (PREFER) is a five year public-private research project where academic researchers, HTA, patient organisations, and the pharmaceutical industry work together to find out when, and how patients’ treatment preferences can be used in medical product development.
We are looking forward to sharing our findings with you!
Mats G. Hansson, Uppsala University, Coordinator
Conny Berlin, Novartis, Project Leader

Innovative Medicines Initiative
PREFER is funded by the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI): a part of the EU Horizon 2020 Programme.

European Union
The academic research in PREFER is funded by Horizon 2020: the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.

The pharmaceutical industry contributes equally to the PREFER project. Industry input to the IMI programme is organised by EFPIA.